Maissa Codou: from Senegal in a boat to Rome in two years

Maissa Codoui, dal barcone alla Roma

The presentation of the 17 year old Senegalese Maisssa Codou with Roma

ROME – At 17, Ndiaye Maissa Codou, has already lived some life. From Senegal, where he was born in 2002, he arrived in Europe only a couple of years ago: mixed with the many who cross the Mediterranean from Africa in search of refuge or a future. Derelict for crossing by makeshift boat . In two years he showed us how to do it with the ball.

To the point that Roma gave him an audition this summer and just signed him up. He is inspired by the Koulibaly of Naples, a Senegalese like him and a present from world class A champions. That reaches those levels is much more than difficult, but meanwhile the boy knows he can play with professionals in Italy.

The bones, quickly, if it is made in the Afro-Napoli United, which plays in Serie D, a league that had suspended foreign footballers precisely to the team that was playing immigrants and children of immigrant minors but Italians of arrival.

"The sports bureaucracy has prevented Maissa from playing for several months – declared Varriale, sporting director of Afro-Napoli United – but we have done everything to register him and allow him to move to Rome".

Now Maissa will be entrusted to the care and lessons of Alberto de Rossi who will have him in the Spring. So far he has burned the stages, who knows if his crossing is not over yet. (source

The article Maissa Codou: from Senegal in barcone to Rome in two years seems to be the first on daily Blitz .

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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