Coronavirus, Mihajlovic: “After the peak the descent will come and it will be beautiful”

MILAN – Sinisa Mihajlovic was the great protagonist of the last episode of "Verissimo", a television program conducted by Silvia Toffanin which airs on Canale 5.

“I'm winning it for now, although I have to be careful. Everything is going well, I am no longer taking cortisone and this is important.

78 days have passed since bone marrow transplantation and the first 100 days are the most critical.

Then afterwards it's all downhill, you have to have patience for about twenty days but to overcome them would already be a nice goal. I am very happy, there were no serious complications and that's fine. "

Mihajlovic: "It will be great to return to normal after the coronavirus".

Sinisa Mihajlovic also spoke about the coronavirus during an interview with the Gazzetta dello Sport.

“Doctors are doing a huge job, we have a duty to help them by preventing the contagion from increasing. – he declared to the microphones of the Gazzetta dello Sport –

To the Italians I say: we follow the instructions they give us. After the peak the descent will come and it will be beautiful.

The normalcy of everyday life, a hug, being together, the pleasure of going to see a football game. – so he concludes with a warning – We suffer now and when everything is over, that normalcy will be beautiful ".

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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