Peter Janicot dies after a tackle during a rugby match. His pregnant wife in the stands

Peter Janicot, a 30-year-old rugby player, lost his life in a friendly match. After a tackle he collapsed to the ground and never recovered.

Peter Janicot , a 30-year-old rugby player, lost his life after a tackle during a friendly match in Saint-Gaudens, France, and in front of his pregnant wife.

According to reports from the French press, everything would have taken place during a friendly match between the reserves of the local team and that of Mielan.

The rugby player collapsed following a tackle and attempts to revive him were worthless.

Local newspapers explain that Peter Janicot “received the ball and passed it when he was tackled. The boy got up moaning before collapsing ”.

Rugby, fatal tackle: the possible causes of death

Among the causes of death there is a possible heart failure although investigations are ongoing.

An absurd death, which took place right in front of the few hundred spectators who were able to attend the match.

Bewilderment among teammates, managers and friends: “We are in mourning – wrote the club on its Facebook page -. We have no words, we are devastated. Our sadness is immense, our pain has taken over. We mourn the disappearance of one of ours, Peter ”. (source CORRIERE.IT )

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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