Coronavirus, Ndoj apologizes: “I didn’t have to leave the house but I didn’t endanger anyone”

Coronavirus, Ndoj apologizes: "I didn't have to leave the house but I never put anyone in danger".

Brescia footballer Ndoj ended up in the storm for leaving home despite being aware that he was positive for coronavirus.

Obviously Ndoj, after being caught red-handed by the Carabinieri, was fined and reported for the incident.

"I was wrong. I didn't have to leave the house. It's true. I'm sorry I'm sorry, I just wanted to get some air because I haven't been out for weeks, but just blame me for that.

Do not do it for faults that I do not have because I have never put anyone in danger, I greeted friends I met by chance, from afar, and I have never entered any bar ".

With this message published in the Instagram stories, the Brescia player Emanuele Ndoj, fined and criminally denounced after a control by the Carabinieri outside a bar in Brescia because he should have been in mandatory isolation, explained his reasons for what happened.

“That bar had been closed for over an hour and there was no one left.
Moreover, I was negative at the last swab done and I would also have tested negative for the next day.

I had to be patient and wait for the second outcome, ok, I admit it. But I would never put anyone in danger ”wrote the Brescia midfielder.
(source ANSA).

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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