Vieri put on weight during the quarantine: “I’m worried, weight 106 kg”

MILAN – Bobo Vieri has grown fat during the coronavirus quarantine.

He revealed it himself during an interview with Bruno Vespa during " Porta a Porta ".

Vieri has been invited in connection as a representative of the world of sports and soccer players.

Below are the statements made by Vieri during the television broadcast that airs on Rai 1.

“I'm not in shape right now.

I am a little worried because I came to weigh 106 kg, my goal is to go back to weigh 95 kg, it would be phenomenal.

But to get back to this weight, I would have to lose eleven pounds, so I should eat properly and train a lot.

Let's say that right now I'm mostly a full-time dad.

Costanza Caracciolo and I have two very young children and we dedicate ourselves almost entirely to them.

We make them play, we make them smile, we spend time during this quarantine.

Fortunately, there are live broadcasts on Instagram with my former teammates, so we kill boredom.

The one with Totti was very interesting, I'm very sorry for what happened to him.

He told me that when he goes to take his son to training he does not enter Trigoria because he is not on good terms with the current property.

It's a shame because a flag like him shouldn't have these problems. "

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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