Palermo, Serie B or not? The company: “We paid all the costs”

Palermo, Serie B or not? Tuttolomondo: "We paid all the slopes" (photo Ansa)

Palermo, Serie B or not? Tuttolomondo: "We paid all the slopes" (photo Ansa)

ROME – Can Palermo risk not being able to register for the Serie B championship ? The situation remains … unclear. What happened? It happened that there seems to be a problem with the surety (from 800 thousand euros) that Palermo should have presented by midnight between 24 and 25 June. Guaranty for which, says Palermo, there were only technical problems. Guaranty which, according to the Serie B League, should have been deposited in the League. For Palermo, on the other hand, the guarantee can also be deposited electronically.

"I do not even consider the hypothesis that Palermo cannot play in the Serie B championship – explained the Palermo boss, Salvatore Tuttolomondo – We presented two Pecs, at 9.10 pm and then at 11.59 pm with the text of the surety in it: still on the part of the federal bodies there has been no communication of the opposite sense ”. The problem arises, "as a statement from the insurance broker, from an alleged technological problem of the company's platform", which is Bulgarian. A problem of "crashing on the system that was repaired this morning. I believe that an impediment deriving from a force majeure, not ascribable to the Palermo Sports Union, cannot be charged as a default ". But these," are technical-juridical issues that we will face, if we have to do them. I have to confirm that we have perfectly fulfilled anything else required for enrollment in the football championship: with Pec at League B yesterday at 17.05 an application for registration was sent accompanied by a mountain of documents. From a technical and substantial point of view we have fulfilled what was required according to the envisaged legislation ".

Source: Agi.

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