Napoli-Juventus, child covers Juventus coat of arms: “They are a team of m ….”

Napoli-Juventus, child covers Juventus coat of arms: "I am a team of m ...."

Napoli-Juventus, child covers Juventus coat of arms: "They are a team of m …."

ROME – A Neapolitan child drew attention to himself in the pre-match of Napoli-Juventus . The boy was framed during the initial roundup, in the field, where he was present as a companion for Fabian Ruiz, Napoli midfielder. The child, as usual, wore the opponents' shirt, that of Juventus . When he was shot, the boy turned to the camera, indicated the Juventus emblem and, with a disgusted expression, made a sign of disapproval. Intercepted in the post game from TeleClubItalia, the boy said: "I covered the league title of that team of m …". (source TELECLUBITALIA)

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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