Mihajlovic against Ivan Zazzaroni: “He ruined a friendship of 20 years”. And the apology comes from the journalist

zazzaroni instagram

Zazzaroni's apology on Instagram

ROME – Ivan Zazzaroni apologizes to his friend Sinisa Mihajlovic. The Bologna coach announced at a press conference that he is suffering from leukemia. And it was during the conference that he launched a hard line to Ivan Zazzaroni, his historic friend, from whom he felt betrayed: "He revealed my illness to sell 200 more copies," said Mihajlovic.

The coach does not speak explicitly about Zazzaroni, but speaks of a twenty-year friendship. Zazzaroni was accused by the Serbian coach of having anticipated the news of his illness on the front page.

The Corriere dello Sport director, after the press conference, responded on social media and apologized: "I was a journalist and not a friend, today I wouldn't do it again ".

In the newspaper, in reality there was not even a clear reference to the illness in the newspaper: it was only reported that Mihajlovic would have stopped for some time to win a more important battle: “I asked for this conference because I wanted to give you the news and for this I wanted confidentiality. Someone has ruined a friendship that has lasted for twenty years. He did it to sell two hundred more copies "said Mihajloiv during the press conference.

Ivan Zazzaroni was struck by his words and replied with a post on his Instagram page reporting a long editorial in the newspaper admitting his mistakes and apologizing: "I didn't think yesterday and I don't think today I have done any harm to Sinisa : I only vented the pain for a news that I never wanted to receive by adding an affectionate encouragement. Better a remorse confessed than a stain in the heart ".

There are several comments that Zazzaroni received on his page: “ This time you made a mistake. Certainly not to sell copies, wrong thinking of doing the right thing. The painful part of a mistake is that you can apologize but you can't delete it. I hope that Sinisa has overcome the anger and defeated the disease can understand the sincere remorse ”.

And again: " You shouldn't have. A friend is a friend. And few can say that they are sincerely. You have not been, the news has prevailed … I did not expect it from you, that always speaks of values. And not even publicly, you did it, there on the spot, like those who really regretted a bad deed would have done. The scar remains ”.

Some are from his side and understand Zazzaroni's gesture from a human point of view: " Nothing cancels your friendship and your love for him. Sometimes to want too well. (…) I think he knows … the rest is bored ". And again: " Go quiet and don't torment yourself. ..Sinisa will understand. ..sin is venial ".

Source: Leggo, Instagram

The Mihajlovic article against Ivan Zazzaroni: "He ruined a friendship of 20 years". And the apology from the journalist appears to be the first on the daily Blitz .

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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