Lotito: “I sent him away from Bielsa. I turned it into a sports director “

Lotito: "Bielsa l'ho cacciato io. Tare l'ho trasformato io in direttore sportivo"

Lotito: "I sent him away from Bielsa. I turned it into a sports director ". Photo ANSA / MAURIZIO DEGL INNOCENTI

ROME – Claudio Lotito show on the sidelines of an event in Campagnano di Roma. The biancoceleste president tells of the decisions taken since he was at the helm of Lazio. One of the most important choices concerned the entrusting of the role of sports director to Igli Tare. Your statements are reported in the online edition of the Corriere dello Sport.

Lotito: "Bielsa chased me away. Tare ds my invention ".

«Many did not share this choice – the words of the number one biancoceleste at LaLazioSiamoNoi.it -, instead it was a great choice. We had made the commitment to extend the contract. He comes to the meeting with the prosecutor and I say to him: "Look, I don't renew you". "But how, she had given her word, is not correct, is not serious". I told him I was going to let him be a sports director. "But like, I don't even have the license," he told me. "Don't worry, you take that. Think about it, I'll give you 30 minutes. " He returned half an hour later and said yes. "

"I sent him away, Bielsa. When I was in France, Tare was calling me and telling me that he had bought some players that the coach wanted, after 3 minutes they were no good anymore. I return to Formello, with Tare we call the coach and start a situation of a certain type. Tare spoke to him, he replied as if he were a scientist. At one point I was mortified by Igli and I picked up the phone: "Look mister, you have to go." Tare was pale. "
Sources: LaLazioSiamoNoi.it and Il Corriere dello Sport.

The Lotito article : “I threw it out of Bielsa. I have turned Tare into a sports director " seems to be the first on Blitz daily .

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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