Lippi’s outburst: “Let’s go to Mars but we won’t find the coronavirus vaccine, it’s nasty”

ROME – Marcello Lippi was the protagonist of a hard outburst during an interview with Radio Deejay.

The former Juventus manager said:

“We are in 2020, we manage to go to Mars but then we do not find the coronavirus vaccine.

This makes me inca … ".

Then Lippi also spoke on the resumption of football played in Italy:

"Of course it must start again, like all the other industries in the country …".

The declarations issued by Marcello Lippi are reported by

“The present that we are experiencing is vomiting, it makes me inca ** are.

They keep telling us that we need to be united, but everyone thinks of his own cabbage both politically and scientifically.

We are in 2020, we go to Mars and we are unable to find a vaccine for the virus.

Restart with football?

Of course we have to start again.

They have been telling us for a long time that we have to live with the virus, so why can't football start again?

Now the virus has lost power, it is no longer like two months ago when we were overwhelmed by a tsunami, the problem can be managed in a different way, hospitals can organize themselves so why shouldn't football restart?

There is an impressive demagoguery about football.

Football may or may not like it, but professional football is an industry and should be treated as such. "

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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