Kevin Prince Boateng at the Barcelona unleashes the social: “Next summer Caputo and Lasagna?”

Kevin Prince Boateng al Barcellona scatena i social: "La prossima estate Caputo e Lasagna?"

Kevin Prince Boateng at the Barcelona unleashes the social: "Next summer Caputo and Lasagna?"

ROME – The probable passage of Kevin Prince Boateng from Sassuolo to Barcelona has sparked irony and photomontages on social networks. There are those who have collected thousands of like, exclaiming: "Boateng in January. Next summer Ciccio Caputo and Lasagna? ".

The social reactions to the passage of Boateng from Sassuolo to Barcelona

The article Kevin Prince Boateng at the Barcelona unleashes the social: "Next summer Caputo and Lasagna?" Seems to be the first on Blitz daily .

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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