Dele Alli jokes about Coronavirus on Snapchat, then apologizes but risks being disqualified

Dele Alli scherza sul Coronavirus su Snapchat, poi si scusa ma rischia la squalifica

Dele Alli jokes about Coronavirus during a direct on Snapchat, then apologizes on the Chinese social network Weibo

LONDON (ENGLAND) – Dele Alli, star of Tottenham and the English national team , is in trouble for having ironized on the Coronavirus during a direct video on Snapchat. Subsequently, the footballer deleted this video and apologized to China but the media storm had already erupted and for this reason the FA, which is the English football association, could disqualify him for a few days.

Dele Alli's stunt has put trade relations between the FA and China at risk.

“Crown what, turn up the volume. This virus will have to be faster than this to catch me. " This is the superimposed writing that appeared during the direct video of Dele Alli. During this live, Dele Alli also framed an Asian man, alluding to the fact that he might have Coronavirus. As if all Asians had contracted him.

At this point, Dele Alli was forced to connect to the Chinese social network Weibo to apologize to China and its inhabitants who are afflicted by this terrible virus: “It was not fun. I understood it immediately and canceled it. I disappointed myself and my club. I don't want you to get a bad idea of ​​myself. "

Both Tottenham and the English Football Federation have put enormous pressure on Dele Alli to try and get this diplomatic case back as soon as possible. China handsomely pays the TV rights of the English league. The FA does not want to renounce the Asian market because of the stunt of one of its national teams.

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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