Coronavirus, Mario Ferri “Il Falco” is the runner who fled to the VIDEO policeman

PESCARA – In the last hours, he has depopulated the video with the runner who fled to the policeman who tried to stop him, to fin him, on the Pescara seafront.

Now the runner who violated the coronavirus quarantine has a name, surname and nickname; it is Mario Ferri , known by all as "the Falcon".

He is the famous invader of the field who in recent years has stopped the games all over the world .

This was revealed by Ferri himself during an interview with Sebastiano Pernazza for the Gazzetta dello Sport.

“I was running on the beach and I immediately say this to avoid misunderstandings: I was wrong, I apologize, we all stay at home.

I don't know what happened to me. When I invade the fields, I hand myself over to the stewards and various police. I embrace a footballer and I don't run away.

Here I have triggered an opposite mechanism. Boh. I was "caught" by a drone from the Guardia di Finanza and a financier started chasing me. Learn a race, nobody make fun of him, please: he had the boots and the uniform, I was pretty light in a racing outfit.

It was easy to sow it and I don't boast about it. When the flight was over I apologized to him. I took refuge in the center, but two city policemen on motorbikes surrounded and blocked me.

I did not resist, I immediately apologized. Fine of 4000 euros? No, 400, reducible to 280 if I pay within 30 days . And I will pay, we would miss it. "

The video with Mario Ferri "Il Falco" who flees to avoid the fine following the violation of the coronavirus quarantine. Source: Vista Agency / Alexander Jakhnagiev.

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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