Arianna Varone died tragically in a car accident, she was a female soccer player

MILAN – Serious mourning for the world of women 's football , Arianna Varone died at just 21 years of age.

The player disappeared following a tragic road accident (she would have crashed her scooter against a truck in Riozzo, in the province of Milan).

Despite his very young age, Varone already had an important curriculum since he had played with Inter Milan and AC Milan and Riozzese (his last team before the tragic death).

Varone was a quality midfielder who had contributed with her excellent performances to the excellent season just ended by Riozzese.

The player was greeted with affection by all the girls with whom she played during her short career.

Evidently she was not a champion only on the field but also off the pitch.

Arianna Varone was also remembered by her company with a press release distributed on the main social networks.

We report below, the heartfelt communiqué from Riozzese on the tragic death of Arianna Varone.

"*** ASD Riozzese Press Office ***

The ASD Riozzese, dismayed and distraught, announces that our Arianna Varone passed away during the night due to a tragic road accident.
We cling to the pain of the family to which we are and will always be close.

Mileto Faraguna ".

Source: Blitz Quotidiano

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